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Extraction of IgG Antibodies from Immunized Hen Egg




Text Books:


  1. Encylopedia of Immunology : Peter J Delves, Ivan M Roitt ; Volume 1 and 2
  2. Antibodies, A Laboratory Manual : Ed Harlow , David Lane




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  3.  Hajime Hatta, Mujo Kimand TakehikoYamamoto, A Novel Isolation Method for Hen Egg  Yolk  Antibody, "IgY", Agric.Bio.Chem., 54 (10), 2531-2535, 1990
  4. Peter Hodek and Marie Stiborova, Chicken Antibodies - Superior Alternative for Conventional Immunoglobulins, Proc. Indian natn Sci Acad. B69 No.4 pp 461-468 (2003) 




  1. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3197133/







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