Quiz Report

The user inputs for every question in quiz module are logged in the database. The information logged includes, the user response to each question, if the user has used the help option to answer the question, the date and time of the questions answered, the number of times the user answered the same question. This report gives detailed insight of the log kept for each user, experiment, lab and university.  This can be obtained by clicking on the 'Quiz Report' under 'Report' seen on the left navigation tree menu of the page.  It displays the number and the percentage of visits to each lab out of the total visits to the module.






Samples of how to view each log separately is given below.

For example, to see the quiz report of a student, the user can select the particular university from the list, click on the desired broad area, then on the lab, and then the experiment. On each click the number and the percentage of visits out of the total visit is displayed along with a bar graph. The user is now shown a detailed report of those user-ids who attempted the quiz session of the selected experiment with the date & time of the session, the scores - both in numbers and percentage.




For example, to see the quiz report of a student, the user can select the particular university from the list, click on the desired broad area, then on the lab, and then the experiment. On each click the number and the percentage of visits out of the total visit is displayed along with a bar graph. The user is now shown a detailed report of those user-ids who attempted the quiz session of the selected experiment with the date & time of the session, the scores - both in numbers and percentage.



If the user wants to see the response for each question under the Self Evaluation tab, the ‘Self Evaluation’ link at the top of the table can be clicked.