Statistics Report

The statistic report gives an overview of the complete site usage for the specified date range.  The entire user activities, track hits, number of visits by each user etc., of each university that host the lab are available in 'Statistics Report'.  By default the report shows the statistics of the past one month mentioned in the ‘From’ and ‘To’ date.  The report is shown under different sections, a few are detailed below.  


Traffic Overview

This provides a summary glance of  the total count of  page views, visitors, new visitors, new registration and feedback of the past one month mentioned in the ‘From’ and ‘To’ date.   The user can also select a date range for which the traffic overview has to be displayed by clicking on the calendar icon seen at the right corner of the “Traffic overview” title.




This area gives a graphical representation of the total number of visits to the site and page views.  The graph is generated by monitoring the visitor activity in real time. The user can also select the desired dates for which they would like to see these reports by clicking on the calendar icon seen at the right corner of the 'Traffic Overview' title. Hovering the mouse over the graph will depict the total visits and page views of each day within the date range selected.  

The total percentage of traffic hit from popular browsers and popular operating systems are charted out using a pie chart titled, 'Popular Browser' and 'Popular Operating System'.   It similarly shows a report on the basis of experiments most visited and the most searched keywords.

The top five most popular experiments based on the total visits are listed in the descending order with the average time and bounce rate (in percentage) of each experiment listed as well. The ‘Average Time’ shows how long a visitor stays on the website. The ‘Bounce Rate’ lists the percentage of visitors who access the site and "bounce" (leave the site) rather than continue viewing other pages within the same site. 

To view the entire list, the user can click on the “Show all” link seen below the table. Clicking on the experiment name will open the respective experiment page in the user mode.

The table titled, “Keywords” displays the top most popular 5 keywords used on search engines to reach your site.  Same as before, clicking on the “Show all” link will show the rest of the keywords used to visit the site in the descending order of the visits.