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Newton's Law of Cooling




1.  The material brass is kept it in water is heated at a temperature upto 60°C. Calculate the time taken to cool and reach the room temperature. Draw the cooling curve and verify Newton's law of cooling.


2.  Explain the cooling curve of  brass and aluminum when it is heated at temperature of 80°C. Both the materials are kept in vegetable oil and find out the time required for every 5°C fall in temperature.


3.  The material copper is kept it in water is heated at a temperature upto 70°C. Calculate the time taken to cool and reach the room temperature. Draw the cooling curve and verify Newton's law of cooling.


4.  Calculate the time taken in every 10°C fall in temperature for silver in Olive oil is heated upto the temperature of 80°C.


5.  Draw the cooling curve of the material of silver in milk when it is heated at a temperature of 75°C.


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