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Bursting phenomenon in biology via RC models (Remote Trigger)



  1. Click power button to Connect to the device. Thebutton indicates device 'ON' status.
  2.  Set the membrane resistanceand membrane capacitance by selecting the radio buttons having prefixed values.
  3. Set the Frequency , amplitude and pulse width of the of the input square stimuli signal by varying the respective sliders. For example, amplitude slider 
  4. Click  to apply input stimuli and RC values. Verify through the live video window whether the yellow light is blinking or not.

The selected input stimuli can be seen in the input stimuli panel as:

  1. View the output on the membrane potential graph


  1. Vary the input stimuli and RC values to see the effects of different RC values .


  1.  Use  to pause the signal. Resistor and capacitor value can be changed only after pausing the present signal.


  1. Click  to reset the whole experiment.


  1. To maximize & minimize each panels click .
  2. The PCB & circuit diagram can be viewed from the panel


To switch between circuit diagrams and PCB click 



  1. To export the result of RT experiment, select the signals & the format to be exported. It will display save as window . 


Start the experiments by connecting the device. Select the RC values Set the input stimuli. Apply the input excitation to the circuit by clicking start button. Maximize the live video window to verify whether device is running or not. The applied input stimuli and generated output can be viewed in the input stimuli and membrane potential graph respectively. Repeat the same procedure for other input conditions. The user can also export the values which are chosen to get plotted on the graph using the Export Button. After clicking on this button, you can save your file at the specified location in .csv format and can use later by importing these values into either MS-Excel sheet or MATLAB for high resolution images.



Note: If you are unable to access RT device or video, please clear your cache and refresh your browser. If problem persist, please contact Value@am.amrita.edu



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