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Lee's Disc Apparatus




1.  What is the thermal conductivity of the specimen when aluminum lee's disc having mass 1kg,length 1cm and height  4cm?. Using cardboard of 1mm thickness is used as an insulator.

2.  The aluminum lee's disc having 1cm high, 5 cm length and 2kg mass. Draw the cooling curve of the specimen when cardboard of 3mm thickness is used as an insulator.

3.  Lees disc method find out the ratio of thermal conductivity between cardboards of thickness 1mm and 2 mm. Choose brass as lee's disc with mass, length and height as 5kg, 2cm and 3cm respectively.

4.  What is the thermal conductivity of the specimen when brass lee's disc having mass 2.5kg,length 3cm and height 2.5cm?. Using cardboard of 1mm thickness is used as an insulator.

5.  Using Lee's disc method, explain the cooling mechanism and hence find out the thermal conductivity of material when aluminum lee's disc of mass 5kg, length 2cm and height 1.5cm. Choose insulator as cardboard of  2mm thickness.

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