1) Set the conductance of the fast sodium channel to zero and set the Stim1 parameters with 100nA current amplitude lasting for a duration of 5 msec. Observe the phenomena of the action potential generation?
2) Repeat the problem 1 with increased duration for Stim1 from 5 msec to 20 msec. Do you observe any difference when compared to the first problem?
3) Increase the maximal conductance of delayed rectified channel to 200 and set the Stim1 parameters with 100 nA current amplitude and for a duration of 5 msec.
4) Repeat the problem 3 by changing the maximal conductance of delayed rectifier channel to 10 and set the same stimulus parameter and note down the differences.
5) When the stimulus ends, the cell does not simply return to its resting value, it undershoots it and then approaches the value from below. Why doesn't it just return to its resting value?