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Voltage Clamp Protocol



1. Set the command voltage stimulus to -40mV for 20 ms from resting level voltage 60 mV and apply Vstim. Report the maximum peak amplitude of the total ionic current and its components individually (INa and IK). Repeat the test for different command voltage as given in the below table.


Command voltage (in mV) Total ionic current (nA) Sodium current (uA) Potassium current (uA)


2. Apply 20%,50%,90% of TTX and TEA drugs in the drug sub-window separately and measure maximum peak amplitude of total ionic current and its components separately (INa and IK) and enter the below table. Completely disable the sodium and current by enabling 100% of TTX ,TEA and measure the currents.



- TTX TEA Total current (nA) Sodium current (uA) Potassium current (uA) User  channel current (uA)
Control   0%  0%        
Test-1  20%  -        
Test-2  50%  -        
Test-3  90%  -        
Test-4  100%  -        
Test-5  -  20%        
Test-6  -  50%        
Test-7  -  90%        
Test-8  -  100%        
Test-9  50%  50%        
Test-10  100%  100%        


 3. Add user channel by enabling the checkbox 'insert' under user channel details and set user channel conductance to 120 µS and measure the increment of total current and the newly added component as measure of  user defined channel current. Change the conductance to some other value and repeat the experiment.


Note: Reset the simulator after every experiment

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