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Determination of pH of Waste Water Sample



Flash Plugin EOL 



Materials Required:


  1. Waste water collected from lake.
  2. Acetate buffer (pH = 4)
  3. Ammonium buffer (pH = 10)
  4. pH meter
  5. Tissue paper




  1. Collect water from the polluted lake and transfer it into a beaker.
  2. Switch on the pH meter.
  3. Remove electrodes from storage solution and rinse with water.
  4. Bloat with soaked tissue paper.
  5. Standardize the instrument with electrodes immersed in a buffer solution (Acetate buffer pH = 4).
  6. Rinse, bloat and dry the electrodes to each tie.
  7. Check the pH on the pH meter (pH = 7).
  8. Rinse, bloat and dry the electrodes.
  9. Standardize the instrument with electrodes immersed in a buffer solution (Ammonium buffer pH = 10).
  10. Rinse, bloat and dry the electrodes and check the pH on the pH meter (pH = 7).
  11. Dip the pH electrode in the beaker containing waste water to be tested. Note the pH.
  12. Replace the electrodes in the storage solution.

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