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Population Invasion - A Threat to Ecosystem


Text Books:


  1. Eugene P. Odum, Gary W.Barett, Fundamentals of Ecology, Fifth Edition.
  2. Peter Stiling, Ecology Theories and Applications, Fourth Edition.




  1. Mack R.N., D. Simberloff, W.M.Lonsdale, H. Evans, M. Clout, and F.A. Bazzaz; Biotic invasions: causes, epidemiology, global consequences, and control. Ecol. Appl. 10, 689:710, 2000.
  2. Cynthia S. Kolar and David M. Lodge, Progress in invasion biology: predicting invaders, Trends in Ecology and  Evolution  Vol.16 No.4  April 2001.


Reading Material:


  1. Sergei Petrovskii, Biological invasion and biological control: Implications for pest management and greener investment, June 21, 2010.




  1. www1.american.edu/TED/beetle2.htm
  2.  www.seagrant.umn.edu/downloads/x106.pdf
  3. www.esa.org/education/edupdfs/invasion.pdf



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