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Retrieving a list of sequences from UniProt




1.    Follow (http://vlab.amrita.edu/index.php?sub=3&brch=311&sim=1835&cnt=2) to install R in personal computer.
2.    Install the SeqinR package.
3.    To load “SeqinR” R package follow > library("seqinr") 
4.    Follow the code in the command window: 
retrieveseqs<- function(seqnames,acnucdb) #custom function for retrieving multiple sequence from Uniprot
myseqs<- list()
  # Make a list to store the sequences
for (i in 1:length(seqnames))
seqname<- seqnames[i]
print(paste("Retrieving sequence",seqname,"..."))
queryname<- "query2"
query<- paste("AC=",seqname,sep="")
query_test<- query(queryname,`query`)
seq<- getSequence(query_test$req[[1]]) # Makes a vector "seq" containing the sequence
myseqs[[i]] <- seq
seqnames<- c("P06747", "P0C569", "O56773", "Q5VKP1")
seqs<- retrieveseqs(seqnames,"swissprot")
seq1 <- seqs[[1]]
seq2 <- seqs[[2]]



Procedure to work simulator


  •  To retrieve sequence information of a list of proteins, user can enter the known accession number of proteins of interest in the search box. List the accession numbers of proteins with a space in between the accession numbers.


  • For example, in this simulator accession numbers of some proteins are given. Q9CD83, P06747, O56773, Q5VKP1).

  • Provide the sample accession numbers and click on Run button to execute simulation.

  •  The result page displays information of list of proteins related to the query search. 
  • User can try to run the simulator with other accession numbers Q14533, Q9BYR3, P26371, Q07627, Q3TTY5. 












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