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Titration Curves of Aminoacids




  1. Lab Manual of Biochemistry by Nigam and Archana Ayyagari
  2. An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry by  David T Plummer.
  3. Experimental Biochemistry “, Beedu sashidhar rao,  Vijay Deshpande, I K International Pvt.ltd ., ISBN 81-88237-41-8.




  1. http://www.umt.edu/medchem/teaching/Lecture5-Pharmaceutics%20%28buffer-partition%29.pdf
  2. http://www.chemguide.co.uk/physical/acidbaseeqia/buffers.html#top
  3. http://www.bu.edu/aldolase/biochemistry/html_docs/test1_2000.pdf


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