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Logistic Population Growth: Continuous and Discrete




1) Ecology From Individuals to Ecosystems, Begon M., Townsend C.R., Harper J.L, 2006, Blackwell Publishing.


2) Mathematical Models in Biology by Johannes Miller.




1) Bi-Logistic Growth by Perrin Meyer. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 47:89-102(1994).


2) Logistic Growth Model by Leonard Lipkin and David Smith. Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications.




1) hypertextbook.com/chaos/42.shtml


2) mathworld.wolfram.com/LogisticEquation.html


3) classes.soe.ucsc.edu/math011a/Winter06/lecturenotes/SG6.pdf


4) www.azimuthproject.org/azimuth/show/Logistic+equation


5) courses.nres.uiuc.edu/nres407/Lecture%20notes/population_regulation.pdf

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