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Spread of a Pest Population - Population Invasion





1) What are the two crucial parameters essential for regulating the spread of pest population? And, how do they regulate the spread of pest population?


2) Considering the case of Asian long horned beetle, can the spread of this pest affected by any natural predators or any other conditions (physical, biological etc)? If yes, what conditions contribute to its effect? If not, why do you think so?


3) Imagine that you are the leader of invasive species management project. How do you prioritize invasive species for management in your area? What strategies would you implement in your area to measure/monitor their effectiveness?


4) Global climate change is one of the most concerned topic nowadays. How do you think that this would affect your invasive species management? Do you think of applying any adaptation strategies?


5) Assuming that you are taking an active part in trying to eradicate the invasive species from your area, what information do you need to adequately understand and address pests and pathogens? (e.g. information on the ecology, spread and effects of important pest and pathogen; information on how to identify them; information on strategies for preventing their spread and harmful effects)


6) Suppose that in an area an invasive species exist whose initial population density is around 100. Minimum number of individuals required for this population to establish a new population is 40. Let’s say that this species exist in a habitat area of 500 km. Considering that you are a forest biologist, you would like to know what would be the spread of this species after 5 years in that area provided growth rate of the population to be 8 and dispersal rate to be 0.4?

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