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Effect of Social Behavior Amongst Predator-Prey Populations




  1. Use the mathematical simulator to check the efficacy of the predator with cooperation by assigning different values to the parameter 'Advantage to the predator' in the simulator. Assign values 0.01, 0.05, 0.08 and 0.1 to the parameter and simulate in the simulator.
  2. What happens when the theta value is higher and what happens when the theta value is lower? Assign different values to the theta values and try to observe the corresponding outputs.
  3. Use the mathematical simulator to analyze the effects of different theta values on equilibrium density and population stability. Assign different set of values to theta and study the corresponding outputs on the graph.
  4. Also use the mathematical simulator to understand, how the variation in predator efficacy equation would affect the equilibrium density and population stability? This can be done by changing the parameter 'advantage to the predator' and plot the results and study them with different values assigned to this parameter 'advantage to the predator'.
  5. Understand the distribution of a prey population with a corresponding theta value using the mathematical simulator. Assign different values to the theta parameter and study the distribution of the prey species.


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