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Fragmentation of IgG Using Papain
1)Which is the most abundant antibody present in serum? 

2)The enzyme Protease cleaves the IgG antibodies in hinge region and forms 2 fragments. Which of the following are the fragments formed by Papain? 

3)Which is the chemical used for the further treatment of cleaved fragments of antibody? 

4)Papain digested antibody is able to promote agglutination,percipitation,opsonization etc. 

5)Which is the chemical used for the further treatment of cleaved fragments of antibody? 

6)The enzyme Papain is present in which of the following fruit family? 

7)Which of the following are the applications of Papain? 

8)The applications of fragmented antibodies by papain are: a. Used in enzymatic synthesis of Amino acids b. Used for Antigen-Antibody Binding studies c. Used in Histochemical studies d. For Red Cell Serology


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