Instructor Content
The animation is self-illustrative. Instructors may choose to use the interactive version in class before detailing the protocol for DNA extraction. This procedure fit in detail to all the Genomic DNA extraction more specifically with mammalian Genomic DNA.
Try to isolate the DNA from mango pulp by following virtual lab procedure.
Student Assignment
Click on the simulator window to load the animation. Participate in a full lab to go through the various stages to perform a DNA isolation/Extraction. You will have to click/Drag using the computer mouse to pass through various stages of the experiment. Observe the size of beakers and quantity of reagents used. Incubated the DNA in following temperature at particular time if varies DNA get shear. If you are unsure about the various steps, please repeat the experiment until you are familiar with all details.
Once you are familiar try to work with things like Insects in your garden, mouse you caught in your home, try to work out the experiment with chemicals and by changing composition. Use normal house hold detergents instead of SDS.