Speech Signal Processing Laboratory

Speech Signal Processing Laboratory

Non-Stationary Nature of Speech Signal
To understand the stationary and non-stationary signal
Sampling Frequency and Bit Resolution for Speech Signal Processing
Sampling Frequency and Bit Resolution for Speech Signal Processing
Identification of Voice/Unvoiced/Silence regions of Speech
Identification of Voice/Unvoiced/Silence regions of Speech
Different Sounds In Language
Different sounds in language
Short Term Time Domain Processing of Speech
To understand need for short term processing of speech.
Short-Term Frequency Domain Processing of Speech
To understand the limitation of DTFT for the spectral analysis of speech
Cepstral Analysis of Speech
Cepstral Analysis of Speech
Linear Prediction Analysis
Linear Prediction Analysis
Estimation Of Pitch From Speech Signals
To develop methods for the estimation of speech.
Estimation Of Formants From Speech Signals
Estimation of formants from speech signals
Voice Activity Detection In Speech
Voice activity detection in speech

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