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Wind Modelling Analysis

The Weibull cumulative distribution function is


There are two parameters, the shape parameter (k) and the scale parameter(c).
The detailed steps to find these parameters are given.

Take the wind speed values for a few minutes. This is the “u” value.
The frequency of occurrence of each wind speed is calculated. 

Apply the following equation to get the shape parameter (k) and the scale parameter (c)       



Using these parameters plot the Weibull distribution graph of F(u) with the help of the equation


The Rayleigh cumulative distribution function is


The procedures to plot the Rayleigh distribution curve is given below

Take the wind speed values for a few minutes. This is the “u” value.
The frequency of occurrence of each wind speed is calculated.
Find the mean value of "u", denote it as \bar{u}.
Find the F(u) values from the Eq:2

Using these parameters plot the Rayleigh cumulative distribution function, F(u) 

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