Biological Image Analysis Virtual Lab

In this lab, UG/PG students will learn to use image processing techniques to analyze and quantify image data from wet lab experiments such as those in cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology and immunology laboratories.

Introduction to Biological Image Analysis
To learn image processing software techniques to analyze and quantify image data from wet lab experiments such as those in cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology and immunology laboratories.
Quantification of Lignin in Tissue Sections
To study image processing software techniques to quantify lignin in stained plant tissues.
Analysis of Cell Morphology
To apply image processing techniques to analyze the morphology of the stained cells.
Counting of Fluorescent Particles
To learn the counting of fluorescently stained objects such as cells from an image using online software.
Counting of Total Fluorescence in a Cell
To apply image processing technique to find out the total fluorescence in a cell.
Analysis on Molecular Gels: A Case Study in Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
To compare the density of bands on an polyacrylamide gel
Quantification of Stained Liver Cells
To study the quantification of the stained collagen in an image of a liver tissue section.
Quantification of Bacterial Colonies on an Agar Plate
To understand the amount of bacteria growing on a agar.
Quantification of Amino Acids Present in a Mixture
To study the image processing techniques to quantify the amino acids detected in a Thin Layer Chromatography plate.
Quantification of Protein Present in a Sample
To learn image analysis techniques to quantify the band intensity of western blot.

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