Inorganic Chemistry Virtual Lab

Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with the properties and behavior of inorganic compounds. This field covers all chemical compounds except the myriad organic compounds (carbon based compounds, usually containing C-H bonds).

Water analysis-Determination of Physical parameters
To apply the principles of quantitative analysis for the estimation of various parameters of water.
Water analysis-Determination of Chemical parameters
To apply the principles of quantitative analysis for the estimation of various parameters of water.
Acid Base Titration
To create an awareness about standard solutions and apply it for the estimation of various ions/compounds of industrial as well as academic interest.
Gravimetric Estimation of Barium
To familiarize the students with conditions of precipitation, and the methods to avoid the errors associated
Gravimetric Estimation of Nickel
To familiarize the students with conditions of precipitation, and the methods to avoid the errors associated
Crystal Field Theory
To study the crystal field splitting in Inorganic complexes.
Group Theory
To familiarize the students with geometry and Point group of different molecules
Alloy Analysis (Brass)
To determine and separate the constituents in an alloy
Soil Analysis-Determination of Specific conductivity of Soil
To create an awareness about the importance of soil analysis and familiarize them with the estimation of elements/parameters by various chemical methods.
Soil Analysis-Determination of pH of Soil
To create an awareness about the importance of soil analysis and familiarize them with the estimation of elements/parameters by various chemical methods.

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