Advanced Analytical Chemistry Virtual Lab

Analytical chemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with studying the properties of materials and development of tools used to analyze materials. It is the science of sampling, defining, isolating , concentrating and preserving samples.

Soil Analysis-Determination of Available Organic Carbon content in the Soil
Determination of Available Organic Carbon content in the Soil
Soil Analysis-Determination of Available Nitrogen content in the Soil by Kjeldahl method
Soil Analysis-Determination of Available Nitrogen content in the Soil by Kjeldahl method
Soil Analysis-Determination of Available Phosphorus content in the Soil by Bray's method
Soil Analysis-Determination of Available Phosphorus content in the Soil by Bray's method
Electrogravimetric Estimation of Metals
To apply Faradays law in the electrolytic reduction of metal ions from solutions.
Estimation of Phosphate Content in Soft Drinks
To estimate the phosphate content in soft drinks
Flame Photometry
To determine the concentration of certain metal ions such as sodium, potassium, lithium, calcium, Cesium, etc. and to understand the concept of flame reaction
Polarography - Determination of Unknown Concentration of Cadmium
To create a basic understanding about concentration polarization, diffusion current and half wave potential and to apply it for the qualitative and qualitative determination of inorganic species.
Polarography - Determination of Unknown Concentration of Vitamin C
To create a basic understanding about concentration polarization, diffusion current and half wave potential and to apply it for the qualitative and qualitative determination of organic species.

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