Virtual Intrusion Detection Lab

To provide an online laboratory experience to study about Intrusion Detection, hands-on cryptography and provide practical experience to reinforce concepts learned in the theory classes. Remote users like students and researchers from different organizations and colleges can study about Intrusion Detection concepts, run simulations, view results, practice new designs, etc using the hardware and software resources.

Detecting ICMP based Network Reconnaissance
To understand the environment of the target network and to gather information about the target so as to plan the attack approach.
Port Scan attacks and its detection methodologies
The idea is to probe as many listeners as possible, and keep track of the ones that are receptive or useful to your particular need.
SYN Flood attacks and its Detection.
The proposed system employs mobile agents to detect SYN Flood attack and the effectiveness of our proposal is shown through experiment of detection of SYN Flood attack in virtual network of simulation environment.

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