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Young's Modulus-Uniform Bending



1.  Determine the value of Young's modulus of given wooden bar having breadth 1cm and thickness 0.4cm. Fix the distance between knife edges at 25 cm and distance between weight hangers at 35 cm. Choose earth as environment and perform the whole experiment in the uniform bending arrangement.


2.  Perform uniform bending experiment by selecting the material as steel and the breadth and thickness of the material to be selected as 2cm and 0.3cm. Calculate the Young's modulus of steel in earth by fixing the distance between knife edges at 35 cm and distance between weight hangers at 45 cm.


3. Calculate the value of l2/e by uniform bending in Earth of an aluminum bar having dimension 1x0.2cm for 250g, when the minimum distance is adjusted for knife edges and weight hangers from the pin in the simulator.


4. Determine the value of Young's modulus of givenSteel bar having breadth 1cm and thickness 0.45cm. Fix the distance between knife edges at 40 cm and distance between weight hangers at 60 cm. Choose earth as environment and perform the whole experiment in the uniform bending arrangement. 


5. Measure the elevation produced by the copper bar with load 300g by uniform bending when the distance between the weight hanger at 50cm and knife edges at 25cm respectively. The bar of breadth 1.5cm and thickness 0.2cm add for a load 300g in Moon.




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