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Hall effect experiment:- Determination of charge carrier density





Combo box

Select procedure: This is used to select the part of the experiment to perform.

1) Magnetic field Vs Current.
2) Hall effect setup.

Select Material: This slider activate only if Hall Effect setup is selected. And this is used to select the material for finding Hall coefficient and carrier concentration.



Insert Probe/ Remove Probe: This button used to insert/remove the probe in between the solenoid.

Show Voltage/ Current: This will activate only if Hall Effect setup selected and it used to display the Hall voltage/ current in the digital meter.

Reset: This button is used to repeat the experiment.



Current : This slider used to vary the current flowing through the Solenoid.

Hall Current: This slider used to change the hall current

Thickness: This slider used to change the thickness of the material selected.



Procedure for doing the simulation:


 To measure the magnetic field generated in the solenoid


  • Select Magnetic field Vs Current from the procedure combo-box.


  • Click Insert Probe button


  • Placing the probe in between the solenoid by clicking the wooden stand in the simulator.


  • Using Current slider, varying the current through the solenoid and corresponding magnetic field is to be noted from Gauss meter.



Trial No: Current through solenoid Magnetic field generated



 Hall Effect apparatus


  •  Select Hall Effect Setup from the Select the procedure combo box


  • Click  Insert Hall Probe button 


  • Placing the probe in between the solenoid by clicking the wooden stand in the simulator.


  • Set "current slider" value to minimum.


  • Select the material from “Select Material” combo-box.


  • Select the Thickness of the material using the slider  Thickness.


  • Vary the Hall current using the sllider  Hall current.


  • Note down the corresponding Hall voltage by clicking “show voltage” button.


  • Then calculate Hall coefficient and carrier concentration of that material using the equation 



Where RH is the Hall coefficient  


 And n is the carrier concentration

  •  Repeat the experiment with different magnetic file.



Magnetic Field

(Tesla T)

Thickness (t)


Hall current,


Hall Voltage





Procedure for doing real lab

  • Connect ‘Constant current source’ to the solenoids.
  • Four probe is connected to the Gauss meter and placed at the middle of the two solenoids.
  • Switch ON the Gauss meter and Constant current source.
  • Vary the current through the solenoid from 1A to 5A with the interval of 0.5A, and note the corresponding Gauss meter readings.
  • Switch OFF the Gauss meter and constant current source and turn the knob of constant current source towards minimum current.
  • Fix the Hall probe on a wooden stand. Connect green wires to Constant Current Generator and connect red wires to milli voltmeter in the Hall Effect apparatus
  • Replace the Four probe with Hall probe and place the sample material at the middle of the two solenoids.
  • Switch ON the constant current source and CCG.
  • Carefully increase the current I from CCG and measure the corresponding Hall voltage VH. Repeat this step for different magnetic field B.
  • Thickness t of the sample is measured using screw gauge.
  • Hence calculate the Hall coefficient RH using the equation 5.
  • Then calculate the carrier concentration n. using equation 6.



Hall coefficient of the material = .........................
Carrier concentration of the material =.......................... ÃƒÂ¯Ã‚»Â¿ m-3






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