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Analysis of Cell Morphology



For informations about installation of the image analysis tool, access the “Simulator” tab


Example 1:


Step 1: Import the image of cell to be analyzed into the software.


Here the stained embryo cell given in the software is used as an example for determining the cell morphology.



To select a sample image of a cell from the software, follow File ---> Open Samples and from the list select a sample image of the  cell for further image analysis.


The image will open in a new pop up window as shown.



Step 2: Using the oval selection tool, select a specific cell to analyze in the imported image.



In this figure the "oval selection tool" is highlighted in a red box. Click on the Oval selection tool and then select a cell in the image to be analyzed.


In this figure, the selected cell is highlighted in a red circle


Step 3: Set the measurements to analyze the cell morphology. Follow Analyze ---> Set Measurements in the menu bar. Select the measurements Area, Perimeter, Feret’s diameter and Display label from the menu bar of the software. Click OK to set the measurements.



Step 4: To get the measurements of the selected cell, follow Analyze ---> Measure OR press the letter “M” from the keyboard.


A new pop up window will show the results of the measurements of the selected cell.



Step 5: Copy the values and paste it in the Excel sheet.

Step 6: Calculate the Shape Factor (S)  using the folowing equation.


Substitute the values of Area (A) and Perimeter (P)  from the result table.


In this case, substituting A = 8780 and P = 386.416, the Shape factor (S) is calculated as 0.74.


The value less than 1 indicates the selected cell is an elongated cell.


Example 2:


Step 1: Select another cell to analyze from the imported image in the software.


Step 2: Follow the steps from 1 to 6 (dIscussed in above sections).


The image will open in a new pop up window as shown.



The measurements obtained for the selected cell is shown below.



Step 3: Copy the values and paste it in the Excel Sheet.


Step 4: Calculate the Shape Factor (S)  using the folowing equation.


Substitute the values of Area (A) and Perimeter (P)  from the result table.


In this case, substituting A = 2828 and P =188.496, the Shape factor (S) is calculated as   0.9996, which is merely equal to 1.


The value equal to 1 indicates the selected cell is a circular cell.


Result Interpretation:


Shape Factor < 1 indicates an elongated cell.

Shape Factor = 1 indicates a circular cell.





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