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Construction of Maltose Standard Curve by DNS Method
1)In maltose, the glucose units are joined together by ………………….type of bond. 

2)If X is a non-reducing disaccharide of glucose, choose the appropriate glycosidic linkage in X from the list given below: 

3)In maltose standard curve experiment the absorbance was measured at: 

4)In the assay of reducing sugar by DNS, the DNS undergoes………………………. 

5)Which of the following is not a reducing sugar?

6)The DNS assay can be employed for estimation of following carbohydrates except 

7)What is a reducing sugar?

8)The absorbance of a substance can be measured using which of the following?

9)The color intensity of the reaction between maltose and DNS indicates:

10)If the absorbance of the solution is zero, what does it imply?

11)A standard curve means?

12)What is the role of sodium potassium tartarate tetrahydrate in the reaction?


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