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Gram Stain Technique
1)The Gram stain differentiates between bacteria is based on the composition of their _________ 

2)What colour do Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria take; respectively? 

3)Which of these factors will not affect your Gram stain results? (Given that everything else is done correctly.) 

4)Which is the crucial step in Gram Staining? 

5)Before you use your reagents to stain the bacteria, you need to heat fix your sample first by waving the slide through the blue flame on a Bunsen burner a few times. Why do you do this? 

6)Which are the primary stain and counter stain used in Gram Staining 

7)Most bacteria have at least how many layers in their cell envelope? 

8)Which bacteria has a thicker cell wall? 

9)Which are the two sugars make up the peptidoglycan layer? 

10)Which bacteria have an outer layer located outside the peptidoglycan layer? 

11)What composes the thick cell wall of a gram positive bacteria? 

12)____________dissociates in aqueous solutions into CV+ and chloride (Cl – ) ions. 

13)What happens when over decolourised? 

14)What happens when under decolourised? 

15)Role of mordant in Gram Staining 


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