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Litmus Milk Test

Text Books:


  1. Cappuccino G .James, Sherman Natalie, Microbiology A laboratory manual, seventh edition, Pearson Education
  2. Aneja K.R, Experiments in Microbiology, Plant pathology and Biotechnology , fourth edition, New age international publishers
  3. Brown E. Alfred, Benson’s Microbiological Applications, ninth edition, McGraw Hill Publication




  1. http://lib.jiangnan.edu.cn/ASM/251-Introduce.htm
  2.  www.himedialabs.com/TD/M609.pdf
  3.  http://web.clark.edu/tkibota/240/Unknowns/LitmusMilk.htm
  4.  homepages.wmich.edu/~rossbach/bios312/LabProcedures/Litmus%20Milk%20Results.html
  5.  www.bd.com/ds/technicalCenter/inserts/L007462(09)(0506).pdf



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