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Cornus Experiment


         To find Youngs modulus


thickness,b (mm) breadth,a(cm) distance,l (cm) order,n Mass(g) Microscope reading Diametre,dn(cm) dn2(cm2) Mass,m1(g) Microscope reading Diametre,dn' (cm) dn'2 (cm2) R1(cm) youngs modulus Y,Nm-2
left(cm) right(cm) left(cm) right(cm)

        To find R2


thickness,b (mm) breadth,a(cm) distance,l (cm) order,n Mass(g) Microscope reading Diametre,dn(cm) dn2(cm2) Mass,m1(g) Microscope reading Diametre,dn'' (cm) dn''2(cm2) R2(cm)
up (cm) down(cm) up(cm) down(cm)


         To find poissons ratio and bulk modulus


R1(cm) R2(cm) Youngs modulus Y,Nm-2 Poisson's ratio,σ Bulk modulus b,Nm-2


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