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Water analysis-Determination of Chemical parameters




  1. Laboratory manual for Environmental Chemistry by Sunitha Hooda, Sumanjeet Kaur.
  2. Vogel's text book of quantitative Chemical Analysis Sixth edition- J Mendham, R C Denney, J D Barnes, M J K Thomas.
  3. Instrumental Methods of chemical Analysis- B.K Sharma.
  4. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste water- American Public Health Administration (APHA,1992).
  5. EPA Publication, March 1979.  "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes". EPA #600/4-79-02.
  6. A Comprehensive Laboratory Manual for Environmental Science and Engeenering- P. R Sreemadhavan Pillai.
  7. Engineering Chemistry- Jain & Jain.




  1. http://www.jdhr.org/publications/books/Book-on-Water-Chapter-by-Shafqat.pdf
  2. http://www.punecorporation.org/pmcwebn/informpdf/rti/WaterAnalysis.pdf
  3. http://www.epa.gov/ogwdw000/mdbp/pdf/turbidity/chap_03.pdf


Image sources:


  1. http://www.punecorporation.org/pmcwebn/informpdf/rti/WaterAnalysis.pdf
  2. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZnrT4u7bngHZfSHSCltYWGijRleXrmjITRT0EEH1MPwsQS5U0apViOpmT
  3. http://water.me.vccs.edu/turbid.jpg
  4. http://www.bionicsscientific.com/images/products/ph-meter-large.jpg
  5. http://infrainstruments.com/images/instrument/large/digital_conductivity_meter.jpg


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