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Short Term Time Domain Processing of Speech
1)If the sampling frequency is 16kHz ,then the number of samples for 20 msec frame size and 10 msec frame shift are 

2)In the SCILAB code for short term energy computation given in Figure_1, the i/p parameter frame size and frame shift are in 

3)The window function used in different SCILAB codes will perform the following: 

4)The SCI LAB function written for computing short term energy taken in speech signal as 

5)In the SCI LAB code for STE computation ,the important in sub functions are 

6)The peakiness of STE contour in some regions is due to 

7)The effect of increased window size during STE computation is 

8)The effect of using hamming and hanning window for STE computation compared to rectangular window is 

9)The effect of different window sizes on ST ZCR computation is 

10)The effect of different window functions on ST ZCR computation is 

11)The autocorrelation of stationary siganl is a 2d plot because 

12)The autocorrelation of speech signal is a 3D plot because 


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