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Short Term Time Domain Processing of Speech


  • Write a SCILAB program for computing short term energy using frame sizes of 100,200 & 500 msec and all with a frame shift of  one sample. Compare the reults with the case of 30,50 & 100 msec case given in the procedure, Write down the observation using a rectangular window. 

  • Modify the above program  for the case of hamming window. write down your observation.

  • Modify the short term ZCR program by not including the factor "N"(frame length) in the relation.Compute the ST ZCR for window size of 30,50 & 100 msec. compare the same with the earlier case given in the procedure section. Do you find any difference ? comment.

  • Write  the pitrch estimation program in SCILAB using frame sizes of 10,50 & 100 msec, each with a shift of 10 msec . Compare the nature of plots in three different cases & comment. 

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