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Bacterial Growth Curve



Student's Assignment:


1. Define bacterial growth curve? Explain the different phases of  growth of bacteria?


2. Define the following terms:


               a. Growth rate constant


               b. Generation time.

3. A bacterium increases its number from 5 X 103  cells/ml to 2 X 108  cells/ml in 10 hours. Calculate the mean generation time?


4. A student is performing bacterial growth curve experiment. At time t = 0 hours, he inoculated 50 ml of the favorable growth medium with 100 bacterial cells. After six hours, the bacterial population was around 450 CFU/ 50 ml bacteria. Calculate the growth constant "k" for the bacteria?


5. A typical bacterial cell increases from one cell to 512 cells in 10 hours. What is the generation time of this bacterium?

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