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Wind Tunnel - Pressure

After refreshing your theory and equipment knowledge, Please note the experiment availability as in table below. This experiment is AVAILABLE ON WED/THUR/FRI.

  1. Go to the RT tab and click "Click here to start experiement" button in the variables panel.
  2. Click the "Start" button
  3. Click the "Pitot Calibration" button
  4. Wait till the "Pitot position" in the station status to reach 40mm, only then the "Velocity control" slider will be activated.
  5. Start the tunnel by setting a low velocity of 5m/s on the "Velocity control" slider
  6. Observe and export the pressures around the blade model to MS Excel.
  7. The process can be repeated only after ploting the graph (which is after a few seconds). Untill then the slider will be deactivated.
  8. Repeat the process with 10m/s, 15m/s, 20m/s and 25m/s.
  9. Click the "Stop" button to stop the experiment. 
  10.  Integrate the pressures in your choice of mathematical software to obtain the resultant loads.
  11. Compare loads with the values obtained in the upcoming WIND TUNNEL - FORCE experiment.

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