Please note the experiment availability as in table below. This experiment is AVAILABLE ON SUN/MON.
- Go through theory.
- Click 'Start' button.
- Click 'Calibrate' button.
- Wait for few seconds till the 'set speed' is activated and can be selected.
- Select 'set speed' from the drop down menu as 0.1 or 0.15.
- Click 'start loading' and observe the Strains Vs Time graph and the graphic view.
- Observe the 'Station status' and view that the Actual load increases just above 3kN and then it decreases back to static state relieving the tension on the specimen.
- If the actual load is found is continuing in the negative direction, (keeping on increasing in negative value), click 'Stop loading'.
- Select 2 points on the Strain Vs Time graph and click 'Calculate_Poisson's' button.
- The software will ratio corresponding points on the Lateral and Longitudinal strain lines, to give Poisson's ratio for the material.