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Analysis of biological networks for feature detection



Journals and Articles


1. Shannon P, Markiel A, Ozier O, Baliga NS, Wang JT, Ramage D, Amin N, Schwikowski B, Ideker T. "Cytoscape: a software environment for integrated models of biomolecular interaction networks.", Genome Research 2003 Nov; 13(11):2498-504 


2. Michael Smoot, Keiichiro Ono, Johannes Ruscheinski, Peng-Liang Wang, Trey Ideker. "Cytoscape 2.8: new features for data integration and network visualization.", Bioinformatics. 2011 February 1; 27(3): 431–432.Published online 2010 December 12. 


Text books


E. Klipp, R. Herwig, A. Kowald,C. Wierling, H. Lehrach. "Systems Biology in Practice Concepts, Implementation and Application", published by Wiley-VCH ISBN-13:978-3-527-31078-4




  1. ebookbrowse.com/w04-cytoscape-exercises-pdf-d105886146
  2. wiki.cytoscape.org/Presentations
  3. opentutorials.cgl.ucsf.edu/index.php/Tutorial:Introduction_to_Cytoscape
  4. www.cbs.dtu.dk/phdcourse/cookbooks/SystemsBiology/BSA_SysBio_Exercise_1.htm
  5. wiki.cytoscape.org/Cytoscape_User_Manual/Launching_Cytoscape
  6. www.youtube.com/watch
  7. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modelling_biological_systems
  8. www.sysbio.de/info/background/WhatIs.shtml
  9. www.sysbio.de/info/background/modeling.shtml


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