Import “stringr” library to R workspace
Create function for finding Start and Stop codon
Create an array with start and stop codons
for each elements in the array
match the occurrences of start and stop codons
find the starting position of each codons
find the total number of potential start and stop codons
sort the sequences vectors
end of function1
Import Biostrings package to R workspace
Create a vector to store positions information of sequence
Call fuction1() and pass the nucleotide sequence
Create vector to store ORF start positions of input sequence
Create vector to store ORF stop positions of input sequence
Create vector to store ORF sequence length
If number of start and stop codon position is >= 2
Assign the values to the vectors
Find the length of the sequence from start to stop
Check the stop codon is already used in an ORF position
End if
Sort the final ORFs by start position
Find the length of ORFs recorded
Return the list
end of fuction2
Call fucntion2() with the nucleotide sequence input.
Procedure to work simulator
- Provide a DNA sequence in user interface for finding ORF. For example provide a hypothetical sequence
ORF is a continuous stretch of codons with a start codon usually AUG and with a stop codons usually UAA, UAG or UGA.