Welcome to the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Virtual Lab online feedback system. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. We'll use the information you provide below to improve our virtual labs.
* Required
Name of the user
Department *
Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering Chemical Sciences Physical Sciences Computer Science Mechanical Engineering
Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) Labs Biosignal Processing and Analysis Bioinformatics and Data Science in Biotechnology Neurophysiology Virtual Lab (pilot) Neuron Simulation Virtual Lab (pilot) Biochemistry Virtual Lab I Biochemistry Virtual Lab II Population ecology Virtual Lab I Population ecology Virtual Lab II Immunology Virtual Lab I Immunology Virtual Lab II Microbiology Virtual Lab I Microbiology Virtual Lab II Molecular Biology Virtual Lab I Molecular Biology Virtual Lab II Cell biology Virtual Lab I Cell biology Virtual Lab II Biological Image Analysis Virtual Lab Bioinformatics Virtual Lab I Bioinformatics Virtual Lab II Bioinformatics Virtual Lab III Systems Biology Virtual Lab Computer-Aided Drug Design Virtual Lab Ecology Virtual Lab Bio-inspired Robotics Virtual Labs (Remote Trigger) Virtual Biophysics Lab (Remote Trigger) Online questionnaire for nodal centres
Name of the Experiment *
Writing and Reading Sequence Data in R Reading FASTA using SequinR Pairwise sequence alignment of Protein or DNA sequences Querying NCBI database in R UniProt Protein Sequence Retrieval in R Guanine-Cytosine Content Analysis and Basics of DNA Sequence Statistics Calculating Genetic Distances from Protein Sequences Computing Scoring Matrices for Amino acids and Long pairwise Alignment in R Retrieving a list of sequences from UniProt DNA Sequence Analysis and Determining DNA Open Reading Frames Gene finding: Finding Start and Stop codons using R Differential Expression Analyses of RNA-seq
Type of Experiment
Remote trigger
How helpful do you feel the system is?
Did you experience any problem?
Is there anything you would like to tell us?
Did you feel confident enough while performing the experiment?
Can't say
Was the experiment/process motivating enough?
Did you go through the manual/ step by step procedure before performing the experiments live?
Please answer the following
Specify three problems/difficulties you faced while performing the experiments?
Describe three interesting things about the experiments.
Do you think doing experiments through virtual lab gives scope for more innovative and creative research work?
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