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Young's modulus on UTM
  1. What will be the Effect of temperature on Young’s modulus?
  2. How will cold rolling affect the yield strength of any material?
  3. What is a hysteresis curve and how will it be affected with increase in load beyond the yield point?
  4. What role will addition of carbon play on the yield strength and ultimate strength?
  5. What are the ASTM standards followed during specimen preparation while testing a material for tensile strength?
  6. What is the reason behind strain hardening region in the tensile stress strain curve?
  7. How would a compressive stress strain curve vary from a tensile stress strain curve?
  8. Do you think the metal’s temperature will rise when subjected to a destructive tensile test? Why so?
  9. What are the benefits of photoelastic methods over strain gage techniques for strain measurement?
  10. Do you think the metal’s temperature will rise when subjected to a destructive tensile test? Why so?
  11. Why do we need a strain gage or extensometer to measure the elongation rather than the movement of the UTM cross head?
  12. How does the strain rate affect stress strain curve of a material?
  13. How will the thermal effects influence the readings from the Quarter Bridge strain gages?
  14. How will the strain gages reading effect with lead wire length?
  15. Draw a superimposed stress strain curve at elevated temperature on the experiment graph.
  16. What are the likely sources of error while determining the Young’s Modulus on UTM?

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