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Pairwise sequence alignment of Protein or DNA sequences



  1.  Follow ( https://vlab.amrita.edu/index.php?sub=3&brch=311&sim=1835&cnt=2) to install R in personal computer.
  2. Install the Biostrings package with the commands. 


        3. Load the package 



Procedure to Work Simulator

  1.  Follow the command on R platform


                     sigma <- nucleotideSubstitutionMatrix(match = 2, mismatch = -1, baseOnly = TRUE)
                    sigma # Print out the matrix
                     s1 <- "GAATTC"
                     s2 <- "GATTA"

                  globalAligns1s2 <- pairwiseAlignment(s1, s2, substitutionMatrix = sigma,gapOpening = -2, gapExtension = -8,          scoreOnly = FALSE)





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